Taking aesthetic expression to a whole new level. Norris Extra Broad Wires are 30% percent broader than the broadest arch on the market, this extra broad arch achieves a number of key efficiencies and effects. Rounded Rectangular Option makes insertion, clip closure, and seating smoother than ever. Only the radius is rounded so torque control is not compromised. Manufactured in the USA.
Norris Extra Broad Wires
• Affords maximum space as it expresses each tooth to its full outer- most potential.
• Reduces dark posterior buccal corridors.
• Effective at correcting tricky posterior cross bites.
• Maximum leveling & alignment, teeth are afforded a greater range of motion.
• Pre-stopped.
Norris Extra Broad Wires
• Affords maximum space as it expresses each tooth to its full outer- most potential.
• Reduces dark posterior buccal corridors.
• Effective at correcting tricky posterior cross bites.
• Maximum leveling & alignment, teeth are afforded a greater range of motion.
• Pre-stopped.